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Do it ! - Reminders and Goals

4.8 ( 48 ratings )
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Vývojář: Hubert Mikulowski Njuacha

"Do it !" app is an easy to use, simple but powerful tool to manage all your personal tasks which we classify into two types: Reminders and Goals. We view reminders as one time tasks and Goals as long term tasks with possible sub tasks needed to achieve it.
For instance, you could add a Reminder on the Reminder section of the app to go for a Doctors appointment on Tuesday. Meanwhile on the Goal section of the app you could add a Goal to read 5 books before the end of the year. With this goal you can then add a timeline and the subtasks needed to accomplish it so that you see your progress as you tackle each sub task or step one day at a time.
Our goal is that using "Do it !" you will write and accomplish all your personal tasks, achieve more for yourself and then give us very nice reviews!